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AI-Powered Clinical Trial Documentation Assistant

Meld AI brings together the power of AI and large language models to clinical trials.

At Meld, we're passionate about leveraging AI to help trial sites, CROs, and sponsors accelerate clinical trials, improve safety, decrease protocol deviations, and increase site efficiency. 

AI Dashboard
Clinical Trial Questions

How Meld Works

Find critical information from multiple study documents quickly and accurately 

Meld's AI technology unlocks the information in trial documentation and allows you to instantly access answers from the corpus of trial documentation through natural language questions, compose and share key notes, and the latest versions of trial documents.

Secure + Compliant Platform

Our team has worked with the world's largest pharmaceutical companies and Contract Research Organizations (CROs).

Roche logo
pfizer logo
novo nordisk logo
BI logo
JJ Logo
AstraZenca Logo

Our Clients

Why Trial Sites
Choose Meld

"I can finally stop CTRL F’ing around"

"The documents we deal with are hundreds of pages long, this will really help reduce the time taken to find answers and reduce protocol deviations"

Regulatory Manager, US

Why Meld

Meld is the ultimate tool for clinical trial sites. 

Digital Work Life

Quick and Easy Setup

Getting started with Meld is a breeze. Our platform is easy to set up and requires no hassle or code.

Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so trial sites can focus on managing trials instead of shifting through documents

Multiple Workspaces

Meld's makes it easy to create and switch between multiple workspaces helping trial sites manage multiple trials easily and effectively


Manage User Access Between Workspaces


Cross-trial Search

Financial Chart


Meld offers a wide range of features to help streamline your clinical trial. 


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